A career in sales, negotiating over multi million dollar contracts I have the ability to help position your property purchase to get the best value possible out of your home, and the best price on a purchase. I have worked in construction for over 7 years and have a great understanding on how to improve a property to make it your dream home. I recently married the woman of my dreams and live in a renovated home in Mount Washington. We attend church in Murrysville where I am a leader for their worship team. I lead a band of students or adults singing while playing guitar or keyboard. Music is a passion as well as outdoor activities and of course Pittsburgh sports.
Contrary to media reports, home values in Pittsburgh are steady - far above the national average. In fact, locally our average sales price has increased over last year. If your are thinking of selling your home there is really no better time and no better place than Western Pennsylvania.
We would be happy to show you what your home is worth in today's market.